Wednesday, April 14, 2010

good vs. bad

This is what the sky looks like on a good day.
(This is a main thoroughfare on base.)

This is what it looks like on a bad day.

This kind of sky brings with it some strong winds and loud thunderstorms with heavy rain. The skies looked like this off and on throughout March. We couldn´t figure out how Afghanistan is so barren when it rains as much as it did in March and February. It is so nice to be living in hard structures when these storms hit.

So far, in April the temp has been in the 80´s and occasionally in the 90´s with no rain. The humidity reminds me of the heat in San Antonio. I hear it gets into the 120´s here in the summer. When the hot of the summer is peaking, that is about the time when I´ll be heading back to the more ideal weather of San Diego.

Today is day 75 of my 180 days here. 105 more joyous days to go!

1 comment:

  1. alright Dr.Drew ... almost to the half-way mark
    E is sitting in my lap right now, reading your blog
    she says she hopes someone comes in so you can help them have a baby!
