Saturday, December 26, 2009

Prep Time

still here
haven't left yet
awaiting orders
Jan. 23rd is tentative date

for OC friends
wish me well
open house at Jen's parents' home (in-laws ... they're in the OC)
date TBA
(in a couple/few weeks)

the experience that awaits me?
think M*A*S*H
oh yeah baby,
I'm gonna be part of the surge!


  1. should I take up a career in ghost writing? think I could make millions doing it??? lol!

  2. Thinking and praying for you Drew as you head out! We will faithfully keep up with your desert adventure!

  3. Like the pics Bro! Scotty likes the pic with your gun! Cool Adventure! We will be checking up on you. Love yah #1Bro
